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Snow Cake
December 5, 2024
What time is it? Why it’s snow cake time!!!
The first snowfall of the year, I bake a white cake with white icing. A family tradition. One of those good traditions with space to evolve, and room for lots of different people. Love winter? Run around the house shouting “it snowed, it snowed, it snowed! 🥳” Snow cake is for you! Hate winter? Run around the house shouting “it snowed, it snowed, it snowed! 😭” Well, knowing snowfall’s arrival comes with a piece of cake really softens the blow…
A snow cake is baked on the first day you look outside and the world looks like it’s been iced. Any recipe will do (though you can use mine, linked below). It’s usually decorated with chocolate chips in the shape of something seasonal. Snowflakes and snowfolk. This year I thought I’d try using chocolate chips to render one of my favourite parts of winter – animal tracks!
There’s actually only one piece missing when I took this photo – I bake a 9” round cake, cut it in half and stack it to make a smaller but two-layer cake. Neil and I have each had a piece now, but many more slices are also gone. Because one of the best bits of making a snow cake – is sharing it.
Here’s the recipe I use most often, if you’d like to make one of your own!
Happy December folks! May all your winters be wonder lands.